Friday, September 9, 2011

BCT or Basic Combat Training

There really isn't as much to say, as I thought there would. I remember he left, and it took about three days before he called me.
    My husband didn't bring his cell phone. All he had was a calling card to call home. If your solider is leaving for basic training, he or she should be able to bring their cell phone. I ended up having to ship his cell phone to him.
      They aren’t able to keep their cell phones on them. My DH’s cell phone was locked up and release to them when they were able to call home.

    My husband was able to give me his address, on the first or second call. After he was done with inprocessing, the only communication we had was letters. He was finally able to call me three weeks in. It was great to hear his voice, and I looked forward to that phone call every week.
    After that he called every Sunday. There were times; he didn't call due to some doing something and their phone privileges getting taken away. When he was able to call, it was around the same time and it only last 30-40 minutes. So make sure you prepare yourself for that. Every soldier’s experience is going to be different.  A motto my husband has picked up is prepare yourself for the worst and hope for the best. 

      It went surprising fast! Before I knew it, it was time for me to drive and see my husband graduate. Since he started basic in October and finished right before Christmas. We were able to enjoy Christmas Exodus before he left for AIT in January.

          This was the first picture I got of him during bootcamp! I was so excited to see my husband in uniform and I was very proud of what my husband had accomplished! I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog. Check back for my next post when I explain my trip from Louisiana to Fort Sill; and his coming home for Christmas!


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